There are a substantial amount of people with EXTREMELY POSITIVE testimonials in regards to one of the most beneficial products for optimal health available on the internet! Introducing: Endocrine Rehab’s™ Patent Pending GBF Supplement (A Superior Master Antioxidant Formula) that is helping to Change People’s Lives.
GBF is produced in ratios that simulate the way it's found in our bodies allowing faster assimilation. Every system in the body can be affected by the GSH system, especially the immune system, nervous system, gastrointestinal system, the lungs and, it also has a vital function in iron metabolism. Just 2 capsules a day is the suggested use; one with breakfast & one with dinner.
**GBF was tested by Spectracell Labs and increased intracellular levels of glutathione by over 33%. The increase has to be intracellular for it to have any affect on the Mitochondria ("the powerhouse of our cells."**
Client Testimonials•By Darleen R. Johnson on June 8, 2016
"When I first began taking GBF I was still having problems from chronic mercury poisoning that was throughout my body. In later years I found out the importance of glutathione for everyone. I have a family member who is labeled Asperger's and he began taking GBF in his 50's. Even at this late date there were immediate changes, first in eye contact and also in sociability. It is so important to continue taking it daily to help us control all the negatives in our environment. But is especially helpful for those who are autistic, or have Asperger's. Here is an opportunity to try it out for other things as well. I found no problem with side effects." •By Cindy B. on July 4, 2016 "I've been taking GBF for about 8 yrs now & I swear by it. I do a lot of research on the web, & I know glutathione is one of the most important antioxidants you can take. I believe the GBF formula delivers glutathione in the most accessible and beneficial form. I'm 68 yrs old, & 10 yrs ago I started having memory problems which seemed to be slowly getting worse over time. Now my memory is about 85% better, & most of those "senior moments" are gone!! Not only that, it seems like I'm much less anxious and depressed than I had been before the GBF. ALSO, I'm still skiing the double-diamonds, fast! I give GBF a lot of the credit. I tell all my friends to try this supplement, and the ones who do actually come back and thank me!" • By M. Comollo on July 28, 2016 "I am so excited to start my GBF supplement with my son- to see & feel the benefits! I have heard many great testimonials from friends that have been taking the product for years. Glutathione is the MASTER of all antioxidants & is a micro-nutrient of our bodies cells. GBF helps clean up the "junk" that is in our cells & that are harmful to our bodies so that our cells can communicate and respond to one another accurately. GBF helps you think more clearly & GBF helped with lowering my friend's extremely high blood pressure by 25%! My son has autistic transmitting issues & I have heard that GBF will help the communication between the cells and transmitters in his brain to help his behavior & speech. I highly recommend this product. Thank you!" • |
Clinical Studies• GBF is the ONLY Glutathione supplement SELECTED for an Alzheimer's clinical study!
• **Spectracell Labs Clinical Study Documents BEFORE & AFTER Glutathione results!** •GBF is currently working towards a clinical study involving 20 participants that suffer from sever migraines. 2 people have already shown drastic positive changes prior to the study so, now we want to obtain and share clinical data supporting evidence that GBF can help eliminate migraines. • |
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